
Friday, June 14, 2013

This is about SEX and nothing else

Ok - so it isnt really. However I wanted to grab your attention the information below is something that I am passionate about & keen to share! This is about:

How to burn body fat & keep it off

Have you ever found it hard to keep weight off? Maybe you’ve dieted or trained hard before a beach holiday, wedding etc. Then straight after the event you put some or all the weight back on?

For anyone who wants to change their shape and sustain a healthier & happier you, then you need to read this article!

This article may challenge some commonly accepted gym beliefs. Before reading this article I want you to just think on one quote:

To keep doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity” –Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

They say that there is a very fine line between genius & insanity! - anyway where was I...

Your metabolic rate (metabolism) is the most important factor in bodyfat loss.

Forget the myths:
  • Caloric deficit,
  • Endless hours of cardio,
  • Extreme dieting
Yes; they will get you temporary gains BUT they will NOT help you achieve sustainable results.

Without a healthy metabolism you are fighting a losing battle. You can burn calories all day but if your metabolism is damaged your body essentially goes into emergency protection mode, will not work efficiently and will hold onto fat stores.
You could eat no carbs or fats, end the day with a 500 calorie deficit, do 2 hours of cardio, but with no metabolic or low metabolic rate you cannot and will not lose your body fat.
Doing these things you only risk damaging yourself further...

So lets look at why and how metabolic rate becomes damaged.

Things that contribute to a low metabolic rate:
  • Doing constant steady state/low intensity cardio (traditional studio class, walking on treadmill / cross trainer, stair machine etc.) You’ll lose the fat burning effect of steady state cardio very quickly. You may see small gains at the start, but it won’t be sustainable.
You see it in any traditional gyms; people that do long cardio sessions day in day out will stop getting a fat burning effect, and end up eating up muscle and actively reducing metabolism.

  • Restricting calories too much (crash diets or starving yourself). More specifically not having enough fats and good carbs (ie. not sugar) in your diet will damage your metabolism.

  • Not understanding the maths behind what you are doing. If you’re eating 1200 calories per day and burning 500-1000 in your workouts you are damaging your metabolic rate. Simply having huge calorific deficit will not help with sustainable body fat loss.

  • Finishing every day at caloric deficit will damage metabolic rate. This is why carb cycling has become so popular. It allows for support of metabolic rate thus preventing the damage.
Here's a great in-depth article on Carb Cycling

Things that build metabolic rate:
  • Lifting weights, building muscle and High-Intensity lifting. Ladies, I cannot stress this enough. You need to lift hard, heavy and often.

You won’t get ‘bulky’ from lifting weights, you will get bulky from eating cake.

Adding muscle will increase your metabolic rate, more specifically the more muscle you have the more calories your body burns.

You will also look and feel better. A firm, toned body is generally preferable to a soft, doughy one.

Constantly varied functional movement executed at high intensity is where it is at! That is why we offer the session that we have at Our sessions will shock the body over and over again, giving it no choice but to respond; boost your metabolism and burn fat!

After these types of sessions you will need to eat & get quality nutritional value (the correct calories) from your food.
  • You need to eat to lose fat - FACT
  • You need to eat to build muscle - FACT
  • You starve yourself, you starve your body’s ability to burn fat.- FACT

I’m sure we’ve all heard of someone who lost weight on the ‘Subway Diet’, or the ‘Cornflake Diet’, or the ‘35-Boiled-Eggs-Per-Day-Diet’. You may also know skinny people who swear by 4 hours of cardio per day.
These things may work for some people, but none of it is maintainable or healthy! 

At All our sessions are accessible and scaled to be suitable for everyone, we offer 1:1 Personal coaching as well as small group training.
Above all else, we give you RESULTS!
And best of all, we have a lot of fun while we do it!

Constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity (hummm; remember what our mate Albert said at the begining of this blog? - perhaps he had something there)!

For more about (CrossFit Chelmsford)

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