Today's sessions & tonight's celebration is all about Noooooooooooosh!
Me & The NOOOOOOOOOOOSH! Doing what we do best - CAKE!
Here is a copy of the email that she sent to me & her reasoning behind yhe content for todays WODDAGE (I was going to edit it but then thought; NO)!
- And this is what she said ....
..."So the theme behind this one is memories from the past four months (SO SO SO CHEESY I KNOW).
Each person I've met this summer has a piece in this WOD, either a lucky number, or something they taught me, or something they've screamed me through during a WOD, or something we've conquered together in a WOD, or a combination.
I wasn't too sure about putting the lifts in there because Lee mentioned that this would be his first WOD, so maybe that can be switched for front squats and overhead squats for people who don't want to lift. Let me know if you think this is okay, feel free to make changes to anything!
Also are we still able to make this a charity WOD for Cancer Research UK?"
400m Run
28 KB Swings
23 Pull Ups
16 Sit Ups
400m Run
8 Squat Cleans
7 Snatches
400m Run
7 Knees to Elbows/Toes to Bar
6 Burpees
3 Wall Climbs
400m Run
.... So there it is.
Nooooooooooosh; it has been a total pleasure to have you in the #migymfamily
We will continue to celebrate nearly Canada day & expect to be sharing some international WODDAGE with you.
For more about Rachel Young visit: