Here are some thoughts that Dr Rob has put together about the interactive (yes, you will need your PE kit on and be ready for action) mobility seminar we are holding next Sunday 14th April
What: "Everything you want to know about mobility, but are afraid to ask" (PG)
When:**SUNDAY 14th April at 11am**
Who: Staring & Directed by Our very own Dr Rob
(Dr Rob in action) |
(with special guest appearances & supporting roles by from the rest "Chiropractic 4"; all keen lifters and #migymfamily).
(Not sure how Jack & Iain managed to get a mention; Standard) |
Good joint mobility is vital to us all, not just to maximise athletic performance but also to go about your day to day lives.
Many people have “some” mobility but not “optimal” mobility. Without this “optimal mobility” we may be able to get though our training and get though our day to day lives without an issue but all of a sudden that pent up muscle tightness and joint restrictions will suddenly manifest themselves as “My shoulder feels a bit achy today” or “my back doesn’t usually feel this stiff after squatting”.
- We have all been there. Myself included.
(We all recognise that yummy/pain feeling) |
Now once these issue have reared their ugly head, they are usually treatable. However, people can be put out of training, and work, for weeks and sometimes months on end. Trust me, I see it day in and day out.
So as always, “Prevention is better than cure.”
We are all, as humans, meant to be nice and supple and mobile. Look at a baby, they bend in all sorts of directions that we could never do without joining the circus.
(Damn that child; if only it was all that simple) |
Often our day to day lifestyles, (which most often involve sitting down at a deck/chair/car or spending all day stood in high heels), mean you are not moving those joints though their full range of motion(ROM). This allows all these joints to become all tight and stiff.
We then forget about this loss of mobility and try to perform large complex movements like squatting, weightlifting, pull-ups etc which if not done with thecorrect mobility causes huge amounts of stress to be placed on other areas in the body; if one area doesn’t have the correct ROM to perform a full movement, somewhere else has to move more, to compensate for this lack of movement, and guess what this causes? - ... injury.
The good news is that mobility can be regained, and not through hours of static stretching as you may be thinking.
Mobility is about movement, training those joints to move and adapt under load, increasing their range of motion whilst at the same time taking the pressure of other strained areas. Have a look at this picture; it is a good example of one of the movements that I will be demonstrating on the day. (and yes, you WILL be doing these too)
I urge you to want to lean more about how your joints “should” move during exercise, what impact they can have if they don’t move, and how to improve these vital ranges of motion.