
Monday, August 19, 2013

WOD - Friday 23rd August - "Pats Birthday Bash"!

Today's sessions has been crated by our  very own "Sweaty Pat" in honour of his Birthday (bleated B'day WODDAGE)! 

Here are some pictures of "Pat the tap" in action; 

Ah - now that's more like it.... 

So here it is - the first outing of "Sweaty Pat" 

40kg rx for men 25 kg rx for girls (barbells) 

400m run
OHS 10 reps
Box jumps 10 reps
Thrusters 10 reps 
Cleans 10 reps from the floor
Burpee pull-ups 10 reps
Knees to elbow/t2b 10 reps (no touching the floor 
Farmers walk (to garage and back) normal walking with heavy kettle bells 
Knees to elbow/t2b 10 reps
Burpee pull-ups 10 reps
Cleans 10 reps from the floor 
Thrusters 10 reps
Box jumps 10 reps
OHS 10 reps
400m run

for sweat (or time) 

Here's to as much sweat as possible

Thanks Sweaty 

Those of you who are questioning the 10 reps - this number is based on pats mental age! 

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